Here at Salford Watersports Centre we strive to ensure we are providing high quality, safe and an enjoyable experience. We only run ‘supervised sessions’ and all of our team are highly trained and qualified in what they do!

Whilst we aim to provide a safe environment, Open Water Swimming and Adventurous activities, especially in cold open water, does come with some risks. If you do choose to swim with us or take part in activity, you do so at your own risk. We recommend checking in and seeking approval from a your health professional if you have any medical concerns.

We are always on hand to offer any advice/help we can, if you need to ask us a question or inform us of anything before you swim – simply email us at and we’ll get back to you.

If you are feeling unwell, have medical concerns that may be affected by activity, we recommend that you do not swim.

Swimming Rules:

  • You must fill out the questionnaire and disclaimer before you swim. We must have a valid emergency contact for you on record
  • If you are joining us for the first time, please let us know when you arrive so we can give you a safety brief and let you know what to do!
  • Swimming / Water access in the inner basins of Salford Quays is only permitted on supervised sessions by authorised providers. The water is under Public Space Protection Order
  • You must book online before arriving at the centre, once here, you need to check in and receive a swimming band
  • In the event on an emergency, swimmers should stop swimming if they hear a repeated series of 3 short whistles or a long blast on an air horn. Our Swim team will then direct you with what to do next. In the event of thunder and lightening, we will evacuate the water whilst the storm passes

Things you need to do/be aware of before you swim: 

  • If you have any doubts, unsure of what to do or concerns about your ability, let us know
  • Please ensure you have filled in the disclaimer and questionnaire when booking and have provided us with an emergency contact. If you do have a medical condition that we need to be aware of, please fill this in on the form, its always best to let the team know on the day too
  • Check in with the centre or our facebook group for the latest water temperature, if you are not used to cold water, it is recommended to take part in one of our coaching sessions first. Cold Water shock can happen even during periods of warm weather
  • Ensure you are well hydrated, swimmers often bring bottles of water and leave them on the pontoon whilst they swim
  • Do not swim if under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication that may affect your abilities
  • If you have any small cuts/wounds, cover them with waterproof plasters. Avoid swimming with any large wounds
  • We highly recommend wearing a wetsuit, in temperatures under 16 degrees (usually late June – September) if you do not wear a wetsuit, then you will need to purchase and wear a tow float
  • Ensure you apply high factor sun cream

It’s incredibly important that you only swim/continue to swim if you are sure you are comfortable. If at any point you need assistance, please lie on your back, wave and shout to our safety team if you can.

  • Ensure you follow the swim course and rules set out by Salford Watersports Centre.
  • Please only enter the water via the designated entrances and on the slip way mats.
  • Communicate with our safety team if at any point you are feeling unwell, need a rest, cramp or simply want to stop swimming.

Acclimatising to cold water:

There’s lots of advice on this so we’ll put a few links below, we also have coaching sessions available which are highly recommended if you need extra help or are just starting out on your cold journey.

Our advice on acclimatisation is wear layers and take your time.

  • Enter the water slowly, gently splash the water in the shallow area on to your body.
  • Be mindful of the drop off into deep water, once you are ready to get past this point, do this slowly and stay in that area until you can get your breathing under control.
  • If you are wearing a wetsuit, pulling the neck helps you to breathe if you are struggling to catch your breath.
  • Float until you are comfortable and then set off.
  • If you are feeling dizzy or unwell, do not swim off. Wait on the pontoon or on the slip way, do not exit quickly – tell a member of staff and slowly make your way out.

Other tips:

  • Swim regular, throughout the season to get used to the temperature changes and give yourself a better chance at adapting easier.
  • Cold Showers


How to acclimatise – Outdoor Swimming Society Outdoor Swimming Society

Cold water swimming: what is the safest way to do it? – BBC News


Post swim safety is just as important as safety pre and during your swim, especially in cooler temperatures.

It’s important to warm up slowly:

  • Whilst it may feel tempting, if you are cold following your swim, do not have a hot shower.  You should wash your hands.
  • You should take off your wet clothes immediately (Changing robes are perfect for this) and towel dry.
  • Put on dry clothes & warm layers asap
  • Have a warm drink / sugary snack if you can
  • Sit down if you feel faint

Only when you feel properly warmed up should you shower, the reason for this is to reduce the risk of the ‘Afterdrop’ which is where your body continues to cool post swim.

The ‘Afterdrop’ can happen immediately or an hour or so after your swim, it’s where you can start to shiver and feel and feeling unwell/faint.

For more information please see:

After drop & the subtle art of warming up – Outdoor Swimming Society Outdoor Swimming Society

  • Ensure you wash your hands after your swim and shower as soon as you can. Whilst the water quality is high, it is still open water and whilst rare, there is a possibility of having Weils or Leptospirosis. If you feel unwell after swimming and have flu like symptoms you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

The inner basins at Salford Quays are separate to the Manchester Ship Canal, the water is tested every 2 weeks by APEM who manage water quality at Salford Quays to ensure we meet the Bathing Water Directive. We only swim when water quality is high.

The remit of APEM’s work includes:

  • To provide management information for the efficient operation of the aeration system to maintain the aesthetic and environmental quality of the Quays Inner Basin water environment without unnecessary use of electricity.
  • To provide management information on compliance with the Bathing Water Directive and World Health Organisation guidelines to allow the safe pursuit of watersports.

Check out their blog on Apems partnership with us for more information:

A lasting relationship – Salford Quays (